Artist-in-Residence Program

The Yale Quantum Institute successfully launched its artist-in-residence program in the summer of 2017. Each year, the institute welcomes an artist for a year-long residency to produce quantum science-based artwork and visuals, participate in a series of public talks to explain their work, and the science behind it across disciplines, and in particular across the humanities-science divide. The artists are rigorously selected by Florian Carle   , in consultation with the Advisory Panel, based on the quality and presentation of their work, their background and experiences.

YQI Artists

Martha W Lewis
Visual Artist
Spencer Topel
Composer & Sound Artist
Stewart Smith
Digital Artist

Art Curator

Florian Carle

Florian is the manager of the Yale Quantum Institute. French rocket scientist with a theater background turned quantum science manager, he develops science outreach programing for the Yale and New Haven community to demystify quantum physic and science in general, and to make it fun, in the hope to encourage new generations of students to consider a career in STEM. Florian is the creator and producer of the YQI Artist in Residence program and draws from his theater background to help create installations and exhibitions, live shows, album, and music videos. Florian holds an engineering diploma and a PhD in Energetics and Mechanics from Aix Marseille University, France.

Advisory Panel

Michel Devoret
Quantum Scientist & Professor
Yale & Google
Ty Kamp
Assistant Director
The Franke Program for Science and the Humanities, Yale
Martha W Lewis
New Haven, CT
Spencer Topel
New York, NY